## Data collection Read more about this in [the method README](../METHOD.md) This contains the files needed to collect the data. ## Manifest: - getData.js: Follow the instructions at the top of the file. Outputs unfiltered data in the `data` folder - colors.json: Color map between numbers (what the Minecraft server replies with for map data) and hex (needed to write to a png image) - recognize.js: Classifies and labels the images. Outputs to data.json. You can find a pretrained data.json to go with the pregenerated dataset [here](../files/data.json) - sort.js: Small cleaning script, to remove entries that aren't 5 letters and aren't ERROR (ERROR is output if the captcha couldn't be solved in time). It outputs data-filtered.json - rename.js: Renames files so they're compatible with the training process easily (removes the requirement for an external classification JSON file, as it renames the files to what the label is)